About the CAE
Supporting student success is our mission. We are dedicated to helping students achieve the academic strengths that will enable them to become independent learners. We are committed to providing services based on the principles of integrity, respect and collaboration, and supporting learning in a friendly and engaging environment.
Are you struggling with classes? There are many students that have difficulty with various subjects in college. Once you fall behind, getting caught up can be very difficult. That is why UPIKE offers free tutoring services and a plethora of resources to help. Also, if you just want a nice place to study or someone to give you even more of an advantage we are always here to help.
We're located on the ground floor in the Allara Library and offer in the sciences, business, philosophy, psychology, communication, math, writing, and basic skills. Come see us. Services are free to currently enrolled University of Pikeville students.
Check out @UPIKECAE on Twitter and the University of Pikeville Center for Academic Excellence on Facebook!
Jeremy Goodson
Senior Coordinator, Academic Excellence
Allara Library 010
(606) 218- 4481, (606) 218-4468