Executive Board Nominations
Good Afternoon,
Your Student Government Assocation (SGA) is now accepting nominatons for the 2021 Calendar Year Executive Board officers.
Available Positons:
- President
- Vice-President
- Seretary & Treasurer
- Academic Affairs Representative
- Social Affairs Representative
- Clubs and Orgs Chairperson
- ÔÇïMust be an Undergraduate Student at the University of Pikeville
- Must be enrolled in 12 or more credit hours (full-time status)
- Have a cumulative GPA of a 2.5
- Must not currently be on Academic and/or Conduct Probation or Suspension
- For President/Vice-President: must have completed at least one-year serving on SGA (Executive Board, Class Officer, and/or Senator)
- Must be able to fill the term of office (January 2021 - December 2021)
- Nominations Open
- Tuesday, December 1st thru Friday, December 4th
- Election
- Monday, December 7th thru Friday, December 11th
- Results will be announced on Monday, December 14th
Need more information? Reach out to the Center for Student Engagement at activities@upike.edu